September 09, 2011

Soft Addiction ?? Haiku - 18

 A Facebook game I was addicted to..  ;p
 Those hidden pleasures /
Surfacing at odd junctures /
Yearn for a bit more //

September 07, 2011


My nephews Sidartha And Akshay

Those sun kissed faces /
Joy overflows around twain* /
Birds chirp your sweet songs //

Hypnotic eyes seek /
Wisdom and action alike /
Content, seated now //

Life carefree, always /
Angelic devils of mine /
My shelters of love //

*n. an archaic word for two

 How can any verse and word be complete without my succour from joie de vivre, my nephews Sid and Akki ?

September 05, 2011

Haiku - 17

Reflecting spirit /
Night rider streaks across sky /
Darkness flourishes //


Take A Fall

"How have you endured for a century?" 


The Earth shook violently, left a gaping hole where it had stood.

Perfection took a fall. 


Char: 140

September 04, 2011

Haiku - 16

Among restless leaves /
Green camouflage, parrots duo /
 A medley of squawks?? //

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