February 01, 2012

The Muse Ran Off With The Stories - IWSG

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day for participating blog owners who may be professional or amateur writers. (All you need is the passion and output, published or not). Started by Alex Cavanaugh the author of the sci-fi space opera CassaStar and upcoming CassaFire, it is a means for writers to talk about their fears big and small. It is also an opportunity to connect to other writers who may have conquered these or are sailing in the same insecure boat as you.

There was a little girl who was a bit different, impulsive, hot tempered, rebellious dreaming false worlds when she should have been studying some more. The daydreams grew larger, more verbose and sometimes silly. As the space between the grey cells shrunk, she took to writing on pieces of paper... some saved, some frittered away carelessly...she never showed them to anyone lest she be mocked at by the uncaring. Then it happened, the stuff that her fears were made of. Unlike other kindred spirits, the more she read others, the less pieces of her own got written till a day when the dreams knew better and took flight to the nether regions of her mind, a self  imposed exile.

Time flew, walked, crawled, the dreams peeked out now and then and verses took shape that were protected fiercely for years and yet the best ones cast one day into the fire of battered self esteem (especially the ones dedicated to her fiancĂ©-husband who broke her spirit)....and then after years of grey bleakiness, the tumultuous life led her back to the road she had long ago abandoned, the only one left she could travel through, to save her sanity.

 The journey was risky, shaky, encouraged by loved ones who had secretly read her amateur works. And just when the adventure was getting to be fun, lady luck decided to play games again.

And lo behold,
 The Twin, The  Muse Ran Away....
leaving behind a sci fi that is just about a quarter complete, a fantasy barely written, a poetry collection due for e publishing in March with quite a few missing pages, short stories to be drafted and rewritten from scratch.
She filled a complaint with the "Missing Muses Retrieval" writers club in December but yet to hear from them.
Anyone who sees 'Reka Sang' slouching around in the upper decks of cyber space, do cajole her to come back please...as said she is moody and cantankerous, gets offended easily. Will this be enough praise to melt her heart??

Penned bold thoughts /
Heart never speaks of /
Love this muse //

 This is how the Muse looked when they last met....maybe the lady should check Facebook, for sure she is whiling away time with those mindless games or the news rooms where she is flirting with the big boys.

 The strain of these online searches and researching in her absence simply translates into
 "The Girl/woman is taking a blogging break for two to three weeks" beginning tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Oh my Rheka you've just narrated my story. Except I'm still lost in the land of the barren to date.
I'm on the look out for the Muse.
btw, I completely agree with your comment on my guest post this morning.

Misha Gerrick said...

Man I hate it when my muse goes. The best thing I can suggest is that you wait her out and lure her with some chocolate.

MISH said...

I think this is one area all writers can identify with. Every writer experiences those "dry patches" at some stage or the other.
Try a new/different activity/challenge (my post is about finding inspirational activities...)

21 Wits said...

Oh that old lady luck what do you do! Sometimes when I'm lost for words, I grab as many I can...just to get my juices flowing...and who said you had to begin something at the start....when I write the ending first the rest comes together...Astonishing writing trails to you.....

Stan Szczesny said...

I don't like to use the "b" word to describe any woman, but I sometimes make an exception for the fickle muse. Maybe that's why she runs away from me from time to time?

Annalisa Crawford said...

I hope you find her soon. I second the suggestion about chocolate :-)

M Pax said...

I like the way your muse looks. I hate when mine goes hiding. Hate it. Exercise helps. Talking to other writers help. Coming up with a new project sometimes helps. I agree on the chocolate.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

As much as you feel her absence, I believe she's been residing right where she needs to be - inside a beautiful, talented woman who grew from that beautiful talented girl. The three of them work wonders with words.

I hope to get an autographed copy of your book/s too, my dear friend.
For now, take all the time you need for self-care. Nothing matters more.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I hope your muse returns and that the break is just what you need. ~Here's to words pouring forth~

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 A-to-Z Challenge!

Bikram said...

dont know what to say :)

you write so nicely and i am sure the muse will be back soon to help you write ...


Anonymous said...

*sigh* Muses are so fickle.

I hope you enjoy your break. ;)

k~ said...

The design of your blog is as captivating as the words within. I am glad to have stumbled upon your enchanting forest.

Post a Comment

Glad you made it this far...would love to hear your take on the words scribbled. A comment every now and then keeps the blues away. :D

Since, crazy Mr. Blogspot won't let me reply to the comments here (is upset with the water ladies ever since they refused to verify visitors)...will do the next best thing, drop in to your blog to say my Vanakkam/Namaste/Salaam/Hello.

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